A Lost Soul

When I look at you
I can't help the tears that fill my eyes
When I talk to you
I can't help but wonder if you know about the cuts on my thighs

Thoughts run through my head, and I know you can see
I know you see behind this fake smile
I know you see me

But why don't you try to help?
It kills me inside
Why don't you save me?
Before it's too late, and I forever hide

One day, I'll be gone
Will you miss me?
One day, I'll be gone
Will you regret what happened?

I know I do
Every single day
I hope that these thoughts aren't true
I don't want to think of you in a bad way

This prince charming I see in my head
Is it you?
Would you really save me from the dead
I hope so

So if one day I ask you about this
I hope you don't just shrug me off
Because one day, it'll be too late
Maybe one day soon