Mirror Me

When I stare into the mirror,
What is it i see?
I see my own reflection,
Staring back at me.

But then I look deep within,
The mirror of my soul.
I see my past, my present,
And whatever my future my hold.

I see myself as I am,
And what could have been.
I see the shadow side of me,
That's hidden deep within.

As I stare at my reflection,
Staring back at my own eyes;
I see myself as others do,
But I also see the lies.

Others can not see of course,
This person I conceal.
They know the person I have become,
But my other side is real.

The mirror rids me of disguise,
Of hatred, truth, and tears.
I see myself through my own eyes,
And see my deepest fears.

Maybe I could end it all so many ways to die.
I lean up against the wall as I begin to cry.
The tears go down my face when I say goodbye.
Bye sun, goodbye mom, can't say I didn't try.

I look in the mirror,
I see me standing there.
Troubled, lost, and lonely,
With tear stained cheeks and long black hair.

The mirror has two faces,
One of truth,
The other is what people see,
My made up fantasy.

Well mirror thanks for being there,
But it's time I stepped away.
It's time my mask came off for good.
The real is here to stay.