A Visit from the Undergrounds

I snuggled up against my fuzzy blanket. It was a cold night. At least for a five year old like myself. I stared out the window wondering why my mother wasn't in bed yet. I could hear my sister snoring softly from the bed next to mine. I felt a bit sleepy so I decided to sleep. Maybe mommy will come later.


I heard crying. It sounded like a baby. I soon began to realize that it was me. I was 1 years old again. 'But how?' I couldn't help but think to myself. My sister was next to the window just staring. She looked terrified for some reason. Soon my question was answered.

I saw a huge black figure come from the window. I felt an unpleasent chill run down my little spine. I saw the figure grow horns. My sister stepped back obviously mortified by the beast standing before her. The creature grew sharp scissor like claws and red menacing eyes. My tiny suspicious eyes narrowed the slightest bit. His dark red lips had a sadistic like touch to them. His eyes twinkled in pure evil as he raised his right arm and slashed my sister down the middle.

'No.' I thought, 'not my sister.'

He cackled. A laugh that could bring even the strongest and most fearless man to his knees. He picked up my sisters parts and left but not before sending me a message i shall never forget.

"Your next, princess."


I woke up in a pool of sweat. I couldn't move. To say that I was terrified would be a major understatement. That day forth I vowed that no matter what costs I shall protect my sister. Even if it's with the slightest favor. And thats exactly what I did.