Nautilus Shell

On a night under a Summer’s warm
I left the shell of me to see
How my sojourn thus far had come

The breeze breathed a sigh
As I raised my eyes to see the polar star.
Through the summer trees and night sky

Transfixed and entranced, I held my gaze
and saw the universe as under an upturned bowl
the numberless days, slowly turning, yet,
Holding within my entire life

Whether my journeys tonight end
Or the turnings cease and suspend
I am now no further than I have ever been

I know not WHO has thrust me thus or why
As I stand and watch the universe unfold
On the night time sky

There are those that seem to understand and know
Though for me it is enough
That I have lived to see
This wondrous thing called life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nautilus – Shell
The Nautilus (in Greek 'sailor') has survived relatively unchanged for 450 million years and is one of the only shells to survive from the Dinosaurs era. This is why the Nautilus is sometimes referred to as a "living fossil". The Nautilus is a nocturnal creature and spends most of its time in the great depths of the ocean. The Nautilus shell, lined with mother-of-pearl, grows into increasingly larger chambers throughout its life and so has become a symbol for expansion and renewal.