Gulliver's Travels

I spend countless hours walking the same route

through a town I’ve always lived in

and I often get asked a question I absolutely despise:


‘Why don’t you just join a gym?’

‘Why don’t you buy a car?’

‘Why not shake it up a bit?’

As if walking the same route

through a town I’ve always lived in

isn’t as shaky as the hand of a man signing his own death warrant.

Because there’s something indescribable

about being at the center of a passing world,

watching cars drive by and houses age

and people grow into themselves.

My friends have joked that they’re my ‘travels’,

that I’m a Gulliver in a land of tiny people

but that romanticism of ‘know all, be all’ is so overrated

that I wanna smash the whole damn city and set fire to the king.

Because sometimes knowing what goes on in an ill-explored town

is enough reason as to the lack of exploration.

When you come from a place labelled as a terrorist hell-hole

and go searching to find a spark of goodness

but instead find destruction and clichés in the form of

thugs and anti-social teenagers,

seeing reckless drivers with five phones and no headlights

make a line straight for the pavement,

walking by empty condom wrappers in alleyways

and streets knee deep in trash with empty bins.

As I get told to fuck off by a ten year old

whose mother stands at the side,telling off her four year old son

for standing too close to a dog sat watching the clouds float by.

And I’ll keep searching this town

and every single scrap of truth in its reputation

until find it redeemable enough to leave behind as my home town.

And I’ll spend countless hours walking the same route

through a town I’ve always lived in

until I find something in it good enough

to use as a reflection of who I am,

until I can justify to myself that the place that built Gulliver

isn’t this.