
you find something.
Something that makes you happy.
A type of happy you've never felt before.
you fall in love with it
in a way.

When in love, you sacrifice.
You're dedicated.
You work until your fingers are calloused
your jaw bruised
and more music crammed into your head than you could have imagined.
Remember to smile,
memorize a new song,
next time wear sunscreen.

there is that thing in the distance
that keeps you going.
This is what you've been working for.
All these things lead up to it
and it's the sun.
You revolve around this
caught up in the idea of love.

But you don't get it.
They smile and nod and thank you for your work
your hours
your pain
and they go off and reap the rewards
without you.

And all those times you thought it was love
it was one sided and cold
they didn't actually care
and you cared with your everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry to complain