Dear My Love

Some people don't understand what we have. They can't see it. They are jealous.
When times get rough, we come to each other; helping.
People say, "Love conquers all."
They are right. You have my heart, no matter what, I am yours.
Through good and bad, we hold each other up.
Every time I dream; I see your face. It's haunting me. I guess I need you in my life.
Notice me, take my hand.
When I try to fly with broken wings, save me from that fall.
If my heart is broken, mend it back together.
When I am ill, help me become better; be my medicine.
If by chance we are separated for some time, think of me day and night, never let me leave your mind.
When and if I am gone travel the world for me, spread my joy across the universe.
Let people know who I am.
Fate has brought us together, so fate will never split us apart.
The world is big enough for the both of us.
I love you very much, never let me leave your side.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was something I wrote for my boyfriend and decided to post it! Hope you like it! XD
~Sophia's LoveForWords