"Whispered Honestly"

"I just want you,"
And like a shot those words cut through me.
I turn to face the shattered mirror,
Still it's your reflection looking back at me.
"Why are you so hard to love?"
It was a question I have no answer to.
All the confusion and doubt we felt that time
Was another reason to let go of you.
"I just love you--stay with me."
But my heart broke from the loss in your eyes.
No words, no touch, no lasting promise
Would change the outcome of such lies.
"I don't want to go," you said.
And, in an instant, my mind was blank.
But while I held you close and whispered "okay",
You had no idea how my heart sank.
"Just love me back," you always begged.
Like a flower, you thought it would grow with time.
You believed, so simply, it was just that easy,
But ignored how I didn't want to try.
"I'm so sorry," I whispered over again.
Like a spell thought would bring relief,
I repeated this as you turned away,
Knowing it was best for us that you would leave.
"I miss you now," I cannot say.
Honestly, it's how I truly feel.
As the days go on and I look back,
I'm starting to question if you were real.
"It was a mistake," you think now
And I don't blame you for feeling that way.
But like a star that starts to fall,
I wish I had found a reason to make you stay.