Does It Matter?

Does it Matter?
No it doesn't
You wanna be a bitch about it fine
So what if your different , isn't it a good thing
So what if you are bisexual or a homosexual
You want to be a bitch about it I don't give a rats ass
But when you do shit like this fuck it I'm going to take out the trash
Does it matter?
No it doesn't
I beat the crap out of you for doing this shit
You cause it I end it with your ass dead
I don't give a shit if you are going to tell
I'm fucking serious its not even funny
Be a little baby about it oh hell no back the fuck up
When you want to cry about someone being different don't even think about coming to me cause I won't back you up I'll back up the one you are being a dick to
So suck it up and leave them alone
So I have one simple question for you
Does it Matter?