
Granted it's a fake silver lining
But she strolls through the midnight
Clenching the polished metal until her palm bleeds

Broken beating hearts and a fake silver gleam
Ponder the dark damp roads
Until the end of the line stops their amble
But no dark damp road is sliced to make an end
Because dark damp roads are endless

A fake silver ring gleams and grasps his finger
It burns like real silver to a creature of the night on his finger
His hands are still as he slowly strolls down the dark damp road

Metal sounds through the midnight, silence following
As a young man hits a fake silver gong signaling to all
A message incredibly important that he forgets entirely

Pressure lets off the souls
Of those making their way down the dark damp road
All with fake silver eyes and fake silver bodies
With fake silver clothes and fake silver minds
And their fake silver minds only think palladium thoughts