15:44 Train to King's Cross

15:44 from king’s cross

sat by the window
sun burning through the glass
and onto your legs.

your t-shirt (black)
is stuck to your back with sweat.
every wrinkle of your clothes
causes your skin to stick even further together.

the man across the aisle
meets your eye when you
glance up and then away.
the man in the seat opposite you
smells of cigarette smoke.

they both get off the train before you.

try not to lean back in your seat -
it makes it hotter still.
doesn’t work.

your hands are sticky with sweat
and wiping them on your trousers
does not help.
makes it hotter even.

lick your dry lips.
they just dry again soon enough.

touch the plastic of the chair
and your hand is wet pretty quickly.

open windows don’t let much air in
at least not enough to cool down.
and they hiss
wind blowing harshly across the opening.

landscape outside doesn’t change -
same green fields
same no hills
same sameness.

the train rumbles on.