
Trust is a fragile work of art
You spend years working on it
Years perfecting it
Every detail counts
Every details matters
You are breaking down a wall
And replacing it with a glass door
But something like glass
So delicate, so frail
Breaks so easily
It's unrepairable
The damage is done
You are surrounded
By pieces of your life's work
A million little pieces
Don't try and pick them up
You'll only cut yourself
Just build a new door
A strong door
One that doesn't blow away in the wind
It'll take more time
You'll put more effort
But it's worth it in the end
Because you will be free
From the confinements placed on you
By the brick-built wall
And you'll liberate the person
Who hides in the shadows
Of this great brick wall
This person who is unable
To tell a friend from a foe
♠ ♠ ♠
Thoughts and constructive criticism will be great!