Wrote in Year 2000

In this world we all have friends
even till the bitter end.
With all our sweet sorrows and
endless tears.
All the sunny bright days and worry fears.
All full of joy and great hope.
There's nothing better like the cerulean
blue sky with a thousand twinkling sights.
A perfume of nature of it's own.
A tender mild sun that shones.
Streaking fire lights the sky.
Magical faith burns inside.
Rainy days, dancing droplets, arrange
red lights, thunder rolling.
Applause is growing; dance faster
quicker, clapping louder, and at last
song that has a calm euphony,
of serenity.
Face the world with a new hope.
The calm cold mountains, rippling
of harmony, cool fanned wind of nature
That is the
e erie
c alling
r icher
e ffect
t ime
♠ ♠ ♠
There was a storm awhile ago. Reminding me a little just a little of storms used to love. I miss those wonderful storms. They were like a concert of their own. Not something can be replaced. Nature such a beautiful symphony of its own sometimes.