A Teenager's Safe Haven

the clichéd lines
and textbook consolations
are getting old

what we need
is something new
to live by

all you need is a finger
poke a hole in your mattress
look inside and see what's in stock

make claw marks in the door
shove a piece of paper through
pull it out for more opportunity

smash a mirror
what do you see
scattered fragments of a beautiful face

crack open a drawer and slither inside
it's safer in there
where the bookcase can't see your tear-stained cheeks

your room knows everything about you
every secret you keep every lie that you tell every bit of pain that you hide
because the walls have ears and the bookcase has eyes and the dresser is where it stores everything it knows

it remembers what you think never happened
it knows the hint of truth in all of your lies is always the same
but you live unafraid because you trust that your room will never tell a soul