Dear Amelia

Dear Amelia

We have been together
for a long time
you caught my eye
the fIrst time we met
i remember our first date
what a disaster
i still Laugh about it
i remember our first kiss
your Lips so soft
i remember christmas with the familY
the roast going up in flames
i remember the trip to the lake
we got rained On while we sailed
then snUggled up and watched the notebook
i reMember your birthday
i surprised you with tickets to john mAyer
you screamed and cheered the whole night
i remember movie night
just us, a bowl of popcoRn, and a marathon of movies
finding nemo, the princess bride, and cRazy stupid love
i remember your dog jasper
when he passed You cried for hours
i held you close for comfort
when i’M trying to say is i love you to death
and our adventure is just bEginning
♠ ♠ ♠
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PPPST!!! Hey guys! looking for a romantic way to say something special?!