Snapping Out Of It - Kate

For today’s forecast we predict heartbreak,
Misery, numbness and a possibility of
Sitting around binge eating.

“They’ll never know how wrong the forecaster was”

She lies there facing the ceiling,
Tears seep out of her closed eyes,
Her unkept hair spread around her in a halo,
A tangled mess,
Her once slim muscled figure,
Was now that of a rag doll,
How can this one person do this to her,
And how could she let him win like this.

The tears turn to blood,
Flowing freely from all parts of her body,
Chained to a bed facing a ceiling not lying,
Unkept hair and body from starvation and lack of washing,
Random screaming fits,
As if she were in another world,
This is her mental state,
Screaming, hurt, grief, bleeding.

Soon she is up and running,
Like a robot,
Carrying on,
With only two words running through her mind,
Revenge, vendetta, revenge, vendetta,
Over and over again,
Why? Oh what a sad story,
Hers is of murder, physical body harm, pain, grief, revenge, desperation, why?

One man, two women, one story,
He’s in their car in the back,
Waiting, unseen,
They’re on their way home in the car,
He takes them into their own house at gunpoint,
Sobbing, terror then violation of the female body,
Not even God’s forgiveness can save this man now,
One escapes and hides, she will not be found,
But she can see him as he violates her friend over and over again,
And slowly making cuts,
Cuts all over her skin,
Soon she is lying in a pool of her own blood,
She can’t fight,
Then bang her pain is over and he is gone,
Neighbours hear, police, sirens,
The girl staggers out of hiding,
Hospital beds, painkillers, anti – depressants,
Nothing can help her,
Then she snaps out of it,
And prepares only for one thing,
This is her new life,
A life of hunting, prey, revenge and of course vendetta.