Friends! Who The *** Needs 'Em?

Why do you stay by my side,
seemingly prepared to catch me when I fall,
only to turn away at the last second?
You turn back when I’m a crumpled mess
lying on the ground,
just to laugh.

Why do I still trust you,
after all you put me through?

Why do I still smile when you come around?
Even though I know
it will only cause me pain in the end.

I don’t think I can stay this way much longer.
Any more and I might just break.
You’re not good for me,
and who needs you anyway?

So this is goodbye,
don’t expect to be seeing me again.

I’m done,
with you and all your bullshit.

I’m done,
with being put through
everything I don’t want to.

And I’m done,
with you.

So this is goodbye,
and good riddance.