Everything I Don't Want To Be

Don't want to be like you,
Turn into you,
Want to be everything but you,
Don't want to make pretend like you,
Blind like you,
Hated like you,
Don't want to be like you,
'Coz you're everything i don't want to be.

Don't want to,
Protect unjustly like you,
Lie like you,
Twist the knife like you,
Suffocate like you,
Hurt like you,
Don't want to,
Become like you.

I refuse to,
Run like you,
Lose everything like you,
Turn my back like you,
Feed like you,
Drain like you,
I refuse to,
Be just like you.

You're my,
Worst nightmare,
Devil on my shoulder,
Corrupter of my mind,
I hate you,
And I never ever, ever,
Want to be like you,
You twisted sick bitch,
Don’t care if I’m broken,
Don’t care if I fall,
All you care about,
Is your precious sunshine,
And it just ain’t so,
You left me,
Forgot about me,
Just for him,
I hate you,
‘Coz you’re everything I don’t want to be,
And more.

Outro: Baby I’m leaving,
Here’s my legacy to you,
My feelings for a person,
Oh so very true,
Don’t worry it isn’t you
It isn’t your fault either,
Never believe otherwise,
I just don’t want to hurt you,
Or your feelings,
Like she hurt mine.