sticks and stones

Sticks And Stones

At two-thirty the middle child was born
His parents smiled at him
Knowing that with this child their family will never be torn
They gave him a unique name and had high hopes fir their bundle of joy
If only they knew what will happen to their baby boy
If only they knew that when the baby girl was born
That he was tossed aside
If only they knew that every time every f*****g time he tried
That they would compare him to his perfect siblings
And because of that every night he cried
If only they knew that when he started school
That he was bullied by everyone
Even by his own f*****g siblings who even now think it's fun
If only they knew that the reason why he never went to church and still will not
Because God didn't answer his prayers
God left him to rot
If only they knew that the reason the child never spoke
Is because they never listen to him
And for that his heart remained broke
If only they knew that the child didn't care if he went to hell
Because they are the mother f*****g reason that he fell
If only they knew after sixteen years of torture the child will pay ultimate price
If only they knew that the child tried tried to end his life not one
But mother f*****g twice
If only they knew that soon if this child is put through any more harm
The third time will be the charm
I am not standing up here to tell a tale
To entertain you and I am not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me
I'm telling you this so you can lend a hand to the ones who are depressed
Who isolate themselves from society
The ones who are in a state of stress
Letting themselves be infected with this dark corruption
Ultimately setting themselves up for self destruction
So take heed of my words let my words shake your very core
♠ ♠ ♠
this spoken word uses a large amount of profanity but I wrote what i really felt and I think I got the message out loud and clear PLEASE REVIEW for more go to and look up lyricalprince for more poems!