let me fall (the cliff I stand)

Let Me Fall (The Cliff I Stand)

My time has come let go of my hand
And let me fall off the cliff I stand
Don't fell sad for me don't even try
Because you're the one who feel my head with all these lies
How life is wonderful, how it's sweet
How you will enjoy everyone you meet
How life is sacred, how life is swell
Well guess what my life is a living hell
I am a loner-
A outcast
A monster
And a freak
I am the mute who never speaks
I am a mistake my life is full of regret
I am the ghost who everyone forgets
I am made fun of and everybody knows
But they do nothing and help make fun of -
My Head
My ears
My voice
And my nose
So I've made a decision
I won't stand here and watch you as you make fun of-
My thoughts
My feelings
And my religion
So today is the day I decide I'm in command
Today I fall off the cliff I stand
♠ ♠ ♠
For more of my poems go to www.writerscafe.org and look up lyricalprince