The song of my life

I was always a different soul
I was out of step
I was out of tune

When i was younger i found my self at a disadvantage
My face was hard to show, my voice was quiet and low

No friends where I'd go, maybe acquaintances, hellos
I was the odd ball, the last one picked

Thats how i found out music would never constrict me
No album ever made fun of me, told me i was worthless
Never told me i couldn't be a lion, or that i deserved this

I believe in this, because this believes in me
I am always being told to love my self
To stay strong, and to carry on
Dont let the negatives destroy you, just move on

I wont let depression destroy me
I wont let time, pass me by
I am going to keep moving forward
I will always stay strong

Even at my lowest lows

Even know, being 18, i still believe in what all of this means
I find my self needing these words more than anything right now