
Her mind;

An endless maze

Kept her walking,

Forever in a daze

She cried at her sorrows

They laughed in her face

Her demons forever

Matching her pace

She soon found the light

A black one at that

Dark as her thoughts

But the path remained flat

She walked that road

Empty and alone

Until she was nothing

But skin and bone

She soon searched for death

The Grim Reaper

She thought,

He’s more than a creature

But death did not want her

So she wandered some more

‘Til out in the country

She found a small store

It was abandoned

Like she

So she found a glass bottle

And broke it in three

She pressed the cool glass

Along her pale skin

And a tear splashed down…

She could feel again

Perhaps all’s not lost

Just her mind for a while

So she put the shard down

No longer hostile

She learned

Only she could bring happiness forth

She discovered life

And raised her worth

Now she values


And even gives


To others who’ve felt


Lost, lonely,


She’s been there like you,

She knows how you feel,

She found herself

And could help your heart heal
♠ ♠ ♠
I placed third in a poetry contest at my school with this poem! :)