I Live On the Ground

I used to dream
About how my life would be
How I would change and grow
Become my own person
Make something great of myself
But reality woke me up
It splashed water in my face
And took my head out of the clouds
I will grow
I will change
But I doubt I'll be anything great
I'll be like my parents
And their parents before them
I am like Icarus
My dreams were my wings
Reality the Sun
I'd flown too high
Dreamed too much
Thus reality melted my dreams
Reminding me of my place
I was not born with wings
Therefore I shall not fly
I was born on the ground
As were my brothers
As were my parents
I am no better
I am no worse
So who am I to try to fly?
I was not meant to taste to freedom of flight
I was meant to walk the same path as those before me
Maybe one day I will climb a mountain
One so close to the sky
Just to see the view
Even for a short time
I cannot live on a mountain so high
Because I was never meant to touch the sky
Just as my parents
And their parents before them
I live on the ground