standing proud

Military Child: Stand Proud

I remember when I was little, my Dad and I were playing hide and seek

I was hiding under my bed when my Dad grabbed me, I let out a squeak

I remember laughing as he pulled me out and tickled me

I remember feeling joy there was no where else I rather be

But today wasn’t a normal day, I knew in the back of my head

Today he was leaving, and my heart was full of dread

I remember never wanting the day to end

I wanted my Dad to stay, so we could play again and again

But sadly, it didn’t happen, and when it was bedtime I wanted to cry

As my Dad tucked my siblings in and we hugged him goodbye

When he came to my room, he wasn’t surprised to have found

That I tackled his leg and almost knocked him down

He knew how I felt, but he just smiled as he picked me up off the ground

And he told me this “I’ll be back, don’t worry now listen to what I say

“ I need you to stay strong, and help your mom and every single way

And if you feel sad or lonely or even when you're down

Just know that I’m thinking of you so stand proud

When I’m back we’ll have fun so I’ll see you around!”

I took those words to heart, and I slept well that night

I stayed strong and helped with all my might

Knowing that when I see my Dad, It would be a glorious sight

And when he came back, he hugged and spun me around

We were together, but even now I still hear my dad’s words, every sound

Even after 12 years, I haven’t changed... I’m still standing proud
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem is one of my favorite poems that I ever wrote and I hope you guys enjoyed it!