The Witness

I do not believe in angels
Ancestral spirits or guides from the other side
When I think in words
It is him that I address in thought
( after all, you have to talk to someone )
He does not answer or talk back
He listens and keeps me company in my night wanderings
He doesn't interfere or tell me what to do or should not
He does not judge or give advice
He is just there
How do I describe him?
I tried to picture him
I cannot
Is he an imaginary friend ?
An alter Ego ?
I used to think he was ME
But now, I think not
When I remember a trauma or a milestone in my life
I picture my ‘Self doing the action of being there?
He is always there, watching
He is my witness
He will confirm that I existed ... once
Even if, everyone else was too busy to notice.
♠ ♠ ♠
It is a 'Dualistic World, we exist in.