Love Is...

What is love?

Love is that feeling in your chest when you meet for the first time.
Love is those endless, night long conversations.
Love is knowing what each other are thinking before you say it.
Love is staying truthful, no matter how far away you live.
Love is curling up on the sofa in front of the fire on cold, rainy days.
Love is when they let you wear their jacket when you're cold.
Love is when they lets you win, although they knows their right.
Love is when they watch the shows you want to watch, just to make you happy.
Love is fighting for nothing.
Love is crying through the night with them and your side.
Love is staying in contact when it's over.
Love is moving on but still staying friends.
Love is getting old together.
Love is watching out for each other through thick and thin. No buts.
Love is paying attention to things that mean so little to you but so much for them.
Love is staying when things get darker.
Love is sticking to their side when their breathe becomes final.
Love is caring for their loved ones once they are gone.
Love is remembering.
Love is believing.

Love is eternal.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this because of a few things that were happening in my life and in my friends lifes.