Song to My Heart

Life can sometimes be cruel, or it can make us happy to be alive.
Many see their lives quite normal, some see it specially easy or hard.

But me, I see it as a song. Life gives us different feelings as we grow up.
It gives us love, hate, sorrow, happiness and the list goes on.

Like a song, it's different everytime.
It changes and makes us feel different.

We can choose how we react to these feelings.
Some accept it, and some just doesn't like it.

Just like a song. Some are good, some bad.
But as for emotions, I see mine as lyrics.

Sing them correctly, everything will be fine, and possibly get better by the day.
Sing them badly, things can get from bad to worse.

We have to learn to controll our emotions, so we can go on.
'Cause if we let them take over, there's not telling what could happen.

It doesn't matter what kind of voice we have.
What matters is that we sing with all our hearts, meaning everything we say.

'Cause the true beauty is inside everyone of us, and it depends if we decide to let it show.
Along the way of life, we find friends and people that are special to us.

We choose the ones we let get closer to us, and create trust. Some give it easily, so don't.
It with along other feelings, keep us together and make us stronger.

We hear from the lyrics of life, we let them close, or we push them away.
Just like music, it shows us what we really are.

It doesn't lie, or fake. It let's its true self out, showing what it really is. Just know the right lyrics and sing them correctly, I'll let you in.

'Cause it's the song to my heart...
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Thanks for reading this :) Sorry if it's confusing, but I hoped it's not that bad :)