
A girl crowdsurfs in a wedding dress,
carried to the stage by a thousand hands.

She passes over you,
the dress sweeping by your head.
You support her for an instant,
one hand pressed to her side,
propelling her forward.

She hugs each of the band,
glowing under the spotlights.
Her hair is wild
and her veil is crooked.
Her makeup is smudged.
Her dress is dirty.
But her smile is pure joy.

The lead singer puts an arm around her shoulders
and she screams for her love into the mic,
an off-key angel.

The crowd parts for him.

His tux is disheveled, his tie loosened.
His face radiates the same look as hers.
People slap him on the back,
shouting and whistling.

You are close enough to reach out
and touch his arm
with the same hand that touched the girl.
The drummer pounds out a drumroll
that might be in time with his heartbeat.

Security helps him climb onstage
and they reach for each other.
Rising to a crescendo like music,
the air trembles with the moment their hands connect.