To You, I Sing

To you,
I sing my past
Overflowing memories
Of hyper sforzandoes
Speaking piano
My heart;
Forte- my throat
My vibrato will soar across the sky
Imploding the sun
Collapsing the moon
And shatter the waves
Of water and sound

To you,
I sing my future
Guiding me across
The three ledger staff
Harmonizing notes
Within every broken chord
Accenting staccatos
Crescendo legatos
Diminuendo my dear
Because we’ll never see a coda
In this allegro tempoed world

To you,
I sing my present
With an Adagio-set brain
Yet walking andante
I’ll sing an encore for you
To hear your applause
Write me new notes
For the song I must sing
Pry out the lyrics
From my coarsely dry tongue
Because I live for you
And to you,
I sing

Raw. Uncensored. Passion.

Now start the music and let’s begin
♠ ♠ ♠
Written on July 23, 2013