
The sun seeps through my dark curtains
The light hitting my closed eyes
The wind whispers in ear that it is time to wake up and face the world outside

I don't want to
I don't want to leave and venture out into to the cruel world
I don't want to face the monsters that are out there
They disguise themselves as humans but they have dark hearts that can only be found in the most cruelest monsters.

They'll pretend to love you,
They will play you and trick you,
They will pretend to actually care.
These monsters will break you until you are a broken soul that can't be saved.

I advise you to leave this world but if you want to see if you can stand up to these monsters that call themselves human go right ahead.
But heed my warning if you do try such a thing than you will be outcasted, uncared for, unloved.
By the end of your journey you will be nothing but a broken soul like I and you won't be able to get your old life back.

So if you have enough courage, bravery, passion to withstand the evil that is in this world than I say welcome to a place known as Earth