I'll Never Know You

I knew nothing of your existence,
until today.

One single telephone call,
that was all it took.

I dont know you're name.

What you look like.

If you could have loved me.

I never knew anything of this stuff
and now, I never will.

I'm sorry I never knew you;
i'm sorry that I now have to say goodbye.

Because the day I learned of your existence,
is the day I found out you died.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is quite a old 'poem' I found on my computer that I'd completely forgot about. It's not very good and I've no idea if it was ever finished but it's quite an emotional & personal piece for me.
I wrote in a time of my life where I'd been told that my great-grandma had died and my family had never even thought of telling me she even existed. Because of them I never got to meet her and this upset me greatly because once again, I lost a chance of extending my already diminishing family.
But I hope you can appreciate my efforts.