For You

"For You"

I will never be as beautiful as those other girls;
They'll always have their perfect hair, eyes and makeup.
Somehow, they'll always be prettier than me.
I used to think looks were all that mattered;
I used to try so hard to be beautiful, and to impress others;
I used to pretend to be someone I'm not.
But for you, I don't have to do that anymore.
You took me as my crazy self.
You don't care that my skin is not perfect, that my hair is uneven;
That I don't wear so much makeup that I look like a slut.
Even when I ask you what you see in me, or complain about my looks,
You tell me I am perfect the way I am and still like me.
For you, I can be myself.
I won't try to impress any other now. The only person I need to impress is you.
I want to thank you for everything.
I want to thank you for letting me be me,
And for liking me the way I am.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was written about a "special friend" of mine. He really truly makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. He has truly changed myself as a person and has given me confidence.