
A mask can only put up a front
It will never be able to confront
She appears to be shy
Yet we don't know why
Her inner beings remain oblique
It has nothing to do with being meek
So lost for so long
Even the mask believed there wasn't anything wrong
While deep inside the mind cried
The mask went along with this lie
Years go by
She gradually began to die
Anxious and depressed
If only she could confess
Those feelings of distress
How long did it go on
Until she realized what was wrong
Eight years pain
Finally put to shame
Now thrown into a world of prescriptions
She wore this inscription of affliction
As the dosage began to climb
The more it felt like a crime
Afraid of what was next to come
Or what she would become
The change came fast
What she once was is in the past
Day by day the pain subdued
Until the moment she was renewed
Those who knew her best
Finally saw what had been hiding underneath her mask
Most they liked the new face
While some preferred to keep their space
The judgement of those she once trusted
Started a war of the disgusted
Denied by someone she valued the most
Caused her to become a ghost
Loyalty and honesty
Masks do not Worry about modesty
After some time
She came to realize
Those who denied her new being
Carried their own mask of no meaning
All the doubt
Only they can pull themselves out
So There was nothing left to grieve
The girl was as happy as can be
She was strong, free, and 19
While in bloom
She lit up the room
Her work isn't done
But now she doesn't run
Life ahead will hold difficult tasks
At least she can get through it without a mask.