True connection

The heart, and the mind,
Two noble overseers of the soul,
Essential, productive,
But are they destructive as well?
Every conscious being has these two gems of the body,
Those beings will one day encounter love,
The vitals panic at the feeling,
The being's heart beats out of control,
The mind warps in loops and twists,
The being loses his rationality,
Heart and mind collides, a beautiful, explosive force results,
The being may try to resist, but he craves the destruction in the end,
The reason for this madness is clear,
When the heart and mind align, even for a moment,
A perfect harmony is created, absolute bliss,
True love
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone has heard the saying, listen to your heart and not your brain, we always talk about how our brain and heart fight with each other, how listening to one or the other may cause pain, I wrote this to show how us, as humans, behave in love and how the heart and mind create such emotions