Nothing Perks

I sit here,
Yet no words are heard.

Don't you hear me?
Am I really just nothing?
A shadow of what I used to be.
A blemish in your life?

I just want you happy,
yet it seems that can never happen.
I revolve around you.
I just want you to hear me.
Damn it. Damn it why can't you hear me?

I'm talking to you,
here screaming for you and
yet you hear nothing.
you move on as if nothing happened.
I'm just your friend, just nothing.

Nothing perks, the perks of being nothing.
I'm no one.
Dead or alive, we'll never know.
I'm sorry.

I just want you to hear me.
To know what I say.
How much you mean to me.
that I love you.
Nothing comes out.
I'm left silent.