Confession of a Troubled Teenager

Once again I'm under fire,
My soul weakens and begins to tire.
I'm blind to the world but still manage to see.
I'm blind to the world, as it's blind to me.
I struggle with the darkness, unwilling to fight.
But always yearning to see the light.
I struggle with the darkness, grabbing the air,
But the darkness is ignorant, it doesn't care.

I exist in this world, I no longer live.
The world itself has nothing to give.
I've taken what I can but still I'm blind,
And the blindness creeps slowly into my mind.
Where once was imagination is now an abyss.
It's something I want back, something I miss.

And here I am, tired and blind,
And the darkness has finally penetrated my mind.
I no longer dream, or yearn or care,
All I do now is sit and stare.
People look at me and instantly know
That once I shone, I used to glow.
But now I'm a shell,
A teenage mind trapped in a living hell.

Once I wanted to run and laugh, cry and sing.
But now I don't want a single thing.
Sleep is my mistress, darkness my chains.
Some might even call me certified insane.
But when it's you against the world and you give in,
Your life ceases, and never again begins.
Never give up, it's selfish and weak,
Never stop searching for what you seek.

Life doesn't always end up like you plan,
But you do your best to achieve what you can.
I wasted too long not trying to achieve,
I forgot altogether how to believe.
So readers please, hear my plea.
Open your eyes, see what I cannot see.
Live for me, live for yourself.
As one day you might lose it all to darkness itself.