A Spoken Word Poem

You there.
Yes, I mean you.

Whatever you've been told is wrong.
When the voices without faces blare through your skull, yet you can only think of the faces without voices, I’m here to let you know.

I can see you.

In the simplest of ways, I can see you.

Your smile is not as bright as it was when you were a child, and your laughter not as floating, but it holds a light that guides those who think not with their minds, but with their souls. Your eyes are sad and weary, yet optimistic, but your optimism is for me, I know.

We worry. There are more people in this world to count, yet you’re the one I count on. I chose you. I saw you, out of the others.

Yes, in those simple ways, I can see you.
The smile, the eyes, the bright light.

But what they could never see in you, I can hear.
The pain and loss, the love and joy, all fighting to gain the surfaces of your slightest attention. Behind those , and I quote, windows to your soul, is something far greater than I could ever understand, yet I try. Something that so many of us, in this blinding rage that we call living, soon forget to feel.


You harbor love.

Something that I am slipping from, parents hold on to for the sake of continuing, animals feel it without thinking, politicians spew it without knowing, and children sing of it without living.

So the next time you feel like there is no hope, nothing works, something is wrong, you’re not good enough, stop.
Remember me.
The one who was too afraid to love you. The one who was pulled back up from the ground with your three words in my deafened ears.
I see this in you.
I see what I thought I could never have again.

Yes you.

You harbor love.