Two-Way Street

it doesn't even matter
what you say to me.
i'll still go home and
slit my wrists anyways.
it doesn't fucking matter
if you say you care for me
because i don't see it.
i don't want any care.
it's easier to be alone
than to have to help you too.
some people have a
small capacity for love.
i have a small capacity
to feel anything at all.
people are full of shit.
there's no way to help me.
someone can only prevent me
from getting to this point.
i don't know anyone that can.
do you know what that means?
i'll cut until i bleed,
i'll cry until i fucking die.
i will sit here in my
motherfucking state of
despair and not give a shit
about you or you or you
because you don't mean a
goddamn thing to me and i
don't mean a thing to you.
it's a two way fucking street.
the only thing i'll ever feel
is this feeling in my chest
of want of want of want
this longing desire for
something better than
♠ ♠ ♠
another one of my older angsty poems