Wreck Yourself For The Good Of The Image

I don't know when the madness started
And I'm not sure it'll ever end
I am not sure if I ever got so bad as I am now, but everybody darted
And left me alone with my own mind again

But, I'm getting better every single day
Not mentally, but physically
But however, despite my opinion this isn't what others might in fact say
Not that they know anything, like how my self-hatred has grown significantly

Sure, you argue it's not enough
Of course, I'm giving it my all
Sure, you agree that times are tough
Of course, you have no idea how far I will fall

True, I might just wreck myself
Honestly I couldn't care less
True, I lied to you
Honestly I've tried my best

No, I won't go back
Yes, you can expect a change
No, my fate is not bright, but black
Yes, I'll probably lose you in exchange