Lonliness Ahead

Empty halls of broken glass,
Deluded and derranged,
No-one i can turn to,
No-one to place the blame.

Shattered and torn inside,
Lonliness makes me brood,
For i have felt the pain,
Of ones self solitude.

Emptiness surrounds me,
Broken hearts and hollow dreams,
Souls in pain that love in vain,
Echo through the beams.

Battered and bruised; the love turns black,
The scars are hard to hide,
My heart it screams unimaginable pain,
That is seen within ones eyes.

Silence all around me,
Too scared to even move,
The numbness within is a terrible thing,
There is nothing left to lose.

The world moves on from day to day,
But the wounds still soak my bed,
The heart moves on but it never heals,
'Cos your still inside my head.

I lay here numb, all come undone,
The silence it takes me away,
The week ahead is so unsure,
But i'll take it day by day.