The Night the City Turned the Power Off

The other night the city turned the power off
Causing people to sputter and scoff
It was a shock, and took them in disbelief
Even though it had been announced all last week

Some called it mad, some called it crass
But most just wondered
How long their batteries would last

They took it up to their leaders
The mayor, the governor
Even as far as the president
Wondering how anyone could do this
To their fellow resident

This angry mob though failed to see
How generous their leaders we actually trying to be
By flipping that switch down
Of the lights across town

No, no they couldn't see
Past their blank computers and TVs
No one bothered to look beyond
Their news, their 'friend,' their celebrities

They never looked up
At the stars now visible in the sky
They never caught
The meteors above as they shot by
♠ ♠ ♠
©storystereo - 11/18/12

Inspired by not being able to see meteor showers because of living in a highly populated area. It then took off from there and became this.