The Alpha Wilde-horse-beast

He lived on a beach
His name was Rumikonkwo
He was the head wildehorse
He had twelve children and seven mates
He had a happy life roaming where wild horses walked

His eldest son was getting old
Rumikonkwo was getting almost old
He had battle beaten years
His eldest son was getting tired of battle beaten Rumikonkwo
His eldest son was named Tritin

His eldest son fought with Rumikonkwo for seven months
His eldest son wanted power in his old age
His son Tritin was battle born

He lost finally in the last fight against Tritin
Tritin became the leader of the wildehorses roaming the beach
Tritin stood tall and proud on the highest of dunes over his land
He now owned the land where roaming wild horses walked

Tritin's old battle beaten father sulked sadly far from the group
His father was now even more scarred than before
Tritin let his predecessor stay

One day Tritin's father looked out to the ocean horizon
Tritin's predecessor ran across the water and waves
Tritin's old father Rumikonkwo sprinted towards the dying sun

Tritin's father stood on a lone sandbar two miles out in the ocean
The leader's predecessor stared at the dying sun
Then the leader's predecessor stared to his dying old home

And Tritin's predecessor, old battle beaten Rumikonkwo, stayed there forever, standing on the saltwater
♠ ♠ ♠
This is actually based on a real story I heard last week.