She Was

Her hair was blonde
and her legs were long
and her lips were red
and her eyes were bright.
She wore pleated skirts
and dry-cleaned shirts
as white as winter's snow.

Her eyes were brown.
Her smile was gentle.
And her hair was as curly
as a loaded spring.
She walked slowly
down every road
and never missed a thing.

Her teeth were big
stuck out in front
like a chattering squirrel's.
Her freckles covered
her cheeks like dewdrops
splattered on petals.
She was laughter itself.

She was tall
and still wore high heels.
She was colored
and she was pale.
She was brown like the bark
on a walnut tree.
She was black like the stripe
across a zebra's leg;
red as the dye
from old bloodroot;
white as the clouds
that sit up in the sky
and everything in between.