I Am No Princess nor Am I Looking for a Prince

I am who I am
And all I will ever be
I am not always polite
Nor am I always right
I have many faults
Some that I work on
And some that I don't
I am perfect
Only for my imperfections
So in no way
None at all
Am I a princess
I am independent
But I can be codependent
My partner will be perfect
For all of his imperfections
He can have faults he doesn't work on
And some that he does
He can be wrong sometimes
I prefer that he is
And he can be himself
Because after all
I am not looking for a prince
I am no princess
Nor shall he be a prince
We will us
In all our codependent
Full of faults
Not always right
Sometimes wrong
What it will always come down to is
I am not princess
Nor am I looking for a prince