A Thousand Roses

By the first touch
You planted roses in my heart
And you were patient;
Waiting for them to grow and blossom,
Tending to every petal that fell,
Watering them with your words,
And letting your smile shine on them.

And when the time came
They bloomed into something
Almost as beautiful as the person
Who put them there,
But as pretty as they were
I could still feel each thorn
With every move I made
Poking and prodding,
And drawing blood from inside out.

But then you would cut the thorns
From each stem
And bandage my cuts
And tend to your beautiful flowers
All over again.

But I need you to know
I would endure a thousand thorns
If you would plant a thousand roses
Just so you could tend to them
And stay with me.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's representing how love can hurt, but it can still be worth it.