It Never Goes Away, It Only Becomes Numb

Some pain
Some life altering pain
Truly goes away
It only dulls
Becomes numbs
So slowly
Over time
Until you think its gone
You think it will no longer darken your heart again
You think it's through playing with your emotions
You think that up until the moment
That once again
That life altering moment
Where it all comes flooding back
It's like the dam that burst
When you needed it hold up the most
It bursts
Drowning you
Consuming you
With the past
Past pain
Past regrets
Past fears
But oh so present
That pain
That emotionally
Seemingly physically
Crippling pain
It doesn't just go away
Like you hope
Like you wish
Like you pray
But it won't
It will stay
It never goes away
It only becomes numb