Power to the People

“Power to the People!” They cried, as they marched through the streets
“The Government must go!” All the bribed reporters said.
“It’s all His fault!” They cried, as they threw bricks at police.
“Power to the People!” They cried, as they shot Him in the head.

They called it Coup d’état
Just to make it sound humane.
They made the public believe in peace,
So only they could gain.

“Power to the People!” They cried, as they looted all the shops.
“End the corruption!” They cried, as there was no more police.
“End the Capitalism!” They cried, as the financial market crashed.
“Power to the People” They cried, as this was a new ‘peace’.

So they got what they wanted,
The Government was gone.
There was no one there to stand in their way
So let the anarchy live on.

“Power to the People!” They cried, as the fittest would survive.
“Set the wronged free!” They cried, as they opened prison doors.
“We do not need a leader!” They cried as they descended into chaos.
“This is our land!” They cried, and began territorial wars.

And the human race devolved,
The calm became sadistic,
They fought for power, land and food.
In short, animalistic.

Cities burned and bullets flew,
Law and order reviled.
No leader, no law, only fear and destruction.
And the civilised became wild.
♠ ♠ ♠
This looks at the idea of government overthrow and how organisations and certain people can organise them for their own gain.
It also looks at the ideas described in Lord of the Flies by William Golding, how the human being cannot survive without structured government and without it we descend into an animalistic state of mind x