
The door slams, followed by silence
But I know what she's doing in the tense quiet
My heart doesn't race, no tears on my face
I've become numb to the pattern, the rules of the game

I resume my activities, try not to picture the blade
And the blood that will follow, she'll thoroughly wash down the drain
I'm numb to the feeling the way she's numb to the pain

I don't report it to mom, she already knows
About the disrespect present in her heart left untold
I swipe away the blood droplets left there on the counter
A heaviness in my chest, yet an adrenaline rush she gets
But hell, I'm numb to the hurt that she cannot resist

I'd nearly fainted when I'd heard
About the secretiveness captured that she always yearned
I screamed into my pillow, I weeped for a long time
Some days I stayed close, afraid she would die
I wasn't numb back then the way I am now
I wasn't used to the feelings, of not knowing how

No one will respect her, she cannot respect herself
A problem arises and she doesn't seek help
When will she realize, when will she learn
That when she slashes her wrists, it's more than discern
♠ ♠ ♠
One of my more emotional poems I've written. I was feeling a lot of dark things when I wrote this. But it's very true to me because it's about someone I love who self-harms...any comments? :)