Lips of Blue

Once upon a time, the two of us fell in love,
Twas a beautiful tale at first, a gift from above.
But beauty does not last, and still this tale carries on,
And it will do so, until we are both long gone.
I used to love you, think you were amazing and brave,
But now I see you were worthless, and dug your grave.
Don't you see, babe, I still love you,
But you look the best when your lips are blue.
Your brown eyes annoy me, your smile a curse,
Don't worry, babe - I'm on the phone with a hearse.
I love your eyes flat, void of all life,
I love that the reaper took you with his scythe.
Don't you see, darling - oh wait, you're dead,
And yet I still see your pretty little head.
Eyes unseeing, skin a lovely pale, and lips the best shade of blue,
Oh, darling, what else is there to do?
I loved you so much, I truly did,
But now, the earth will soon have you hid...
And my heart still beats for you,
With your lips so blue.
I kissed your lips, loving the thrill,
But suddenly my heart was filled with a chill.
What's wrong - what have you done,
The twisted ending has begun.
I feel a cold rush through my chest,
Coming to settle on your own breast.
The light returned to your eyes,
Too late did I begin to realize.
My life was leaving me and going to you,
Your lips are pink, but as for mine... They are blue.
My last memory on this earth is the fear in your eyes,
Followed by my lifeless body aimed toward the skies.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have no clue where this came from... But they say that the darkness lives in all of us.