Heart of Gold...Fool's Gold

I'm so confused right now, I'm bipolar as a messed-up penguin.
I think it's sick, but is it really? They're people, same as you and me.

I hate the world, how it shits out evil and hate.
People, too, have earned this one-star rate.
I hate poetry, it's so tacky and dreamy.
It's so sad, too, because these are the things that God made.

I love the world, how the sun rises every day.
People can rise up, too, once they decide what not to say.
I know what not to say, and I say it in poetry...
a beautiful construction of words God sent our way.

Homosexuality to me is disgusting and vulgar,
a sickness of the mind that they need to get over.
Those scars on your wrist are sexy, girl...
look at me like I'm a pervert. I don't deserve her...

The gays have hearts and brains and minds,
and if that alone makes them different, others need to find
where they left their hearts, and brains, and minds.

Her scars are ugly, symbols of the hurt that people can inflict....
with words, with looks, with taking advantage of her.
When a girl says, "Stop"...you better damn well quit.

See, I understand.

I hate this blankness in my mind
there's certain thoughts I wish to find
and certain thoughts I wish to lose.

Why is my heart so incapable of emotion?
The only warmth in it is the blood it pumps...
which makes it absolutely useless.

I have my family and a home
I've got a smartphone, but I'm all alone.
Texts come, and texts go,
but not one makes a stop at my heart.

Reader, if you're sad...you don't know what it's like
to deal with that sadness forever.

Good days, bad days, all day a heyday
for a frown and a heart of lead.

I write because it gives me hope.

My hope should come from God,
but the Lutherans kicked me out.

The Nazarenes let a woman be a pastor,
which is fine by me, but that's past her.

The Baptists, oh my Lord...they have passion.
I tried to get going, but I just couldn't find traction.

I feel too bad to be a Mormon, too black with sin.
And how can you start a race you know you can't win?

Non-denominational is where it's at: pure joy and Jesus.
He's what really matters, not fellowship or hymns.
I want to believe that a person who accepts the Savior
is saved, period. That's what I'm fighting for.

Jesus already won the battle. Against sin...
He made short work of it, but in my mind...
I. Need. HELP.